Creative Director for Iconic Hospitality Venture in Oxford Circus, London.

As Creative Director for the central London bar, restaurant and nightclub known as “London’s Meeting Place” I was responsible for every creative aspect of the company from producing the tiniest of graphic design elements; to consulting on menus and recipes; to building and maintaining the website, art direction, event planning and to collaborating on the interior design and much more besides. The most rewarding yet stressful challenge was finding creative solutions to keep customers happy, the doors open, staff in jobs and meeting the fluid regulation changes throughout COVID restrictions. Despite this being a difficult time, creatively it was one of the most rewarding and fulfilling. I joined the Market Place team as a creative consultant in 2017 ending my tenure as the doors closed in 2022 and we moved on to new projects. Below is a miniscule example of some of the work I produced for the company.




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